Assets #2: Family >> 3 Palabritas

Assets #2: Family >> 3 Palabritas

Become a Snowballer and join the 3 Palavrinhas family (world’s biggest YouTube children’s channel) to spread positivity to children through music and entertainment in Spanish. Your investment can help fuel its growth and impact, and leave a lasting impact on the lives of millions of children.

As a Christian, you are called to be an ambassador for Christ, spreading His message of love and reconciliation. By supporting 3 Palavrinhas, you can fulfill this calling while also bringing joy and hope to young viewers. Remember the words of 2 Corinthians 5:20 – “we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” Let’s work together to spread the good news and make a difference in the world.

Snowball Fund will own 16% of the Channel


Raised out of $520,000

Impact Analysis



100% of $10.000

Click to enlange

Community-centered marketing will grow.
Niche content goes hand in hand with community-based platforms like Twitch, Discord, and Reddit because audiences want to connect with others who share their interests – and community-based platforms enable that connection.

As a result, the creator economy is likely to focus more on establishing and maintaining a sense of community in the future.

Creators Economy is a rapidly growing business model that is based on the monetization of creative content and services produced by independent creators. Some strengths of Creators Economy include:

Creators Economy is a rapidly growing business model that is based on the monetization of creative content and services produced by independent creators. Some strengths of Creators Economy include:
